Mouth Care Comes Clean: Breakthrough Strategies to Stop Cavities and Heal Gum Disease Naturally

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Enjoy the Mouth Health You Deserve!

Dr. Ellie challenges the traditional dental mantra that tells us to “brush and floss” because she believes it is dangerous advice and ineffective in light of our understanding that cavities and gum disease are bacterial infections. Oral health depends on the development of a bacterial balance in the mouth, and this cannot be achieved with a length of floss, by over-zealous cleaning, or indiscriminate killing of mouth bacteria.

Our mouth ecology develops early in life as bacteria transfer between parents and their babies. This exchange is important and continues throughout life as family and friends kiss, talk, or simply share food. Today we know that harmful mouth bacteria can impact our general health and that some are implicated in chronic inflammatory conditions. A healthy mouth will give you a brighter smile and provide special protection from cavities, gum disease, bad breath, sensitivity, and enamel erosion to ultimately limit your need for dental treatments—including cleanings, fillings, sealants, root canals, crowns, implants, and extractions.

In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Ellie shares her easy-to-follow strategies that put oral health under your control. She reveals how to:

• Stop and reverse cavities and gum disease

• Use diet and digestive health to influence saliva quality and promote tooth and gum healing

• Enjoy xylitol to control acidic damage and sensitivity

• End the discomfort of dry mouth and gum recession

• Avoid damage caused by flossing

• Evaluate sealants and their potential dangers

• Learn the dangers of artificial whitening and how to naturally whiten your teeth

Mouth Care Comes Clean can empower you and lead you to a new level of oral health. The strategies are simple but they can miraculously transform mouth health.

Publisher ‏ : ‎ River Grove Books (September 27, 2018)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 228 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1632990946
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1632990945
Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 12 ounces
Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 0.58 x 9 inches

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Customers say

Customers find the book provides helpful information and guidance on food and drink. They feel empowered to improve their oral health with the advice in the book. The book is easy to read and digest, making it a must-read for everyone. The system works at the fundamental level to encourage good bacteria and serve its intended biological purpose. It’s inexpensive and has an improvement in pocketing on gums.

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Enjoy the Mouth Health You Deserve!

Dr. Ellie challenges the traditional dental mantra that tells us to “brush and floss” because she believes it is dangerous advice and ineffective in light of our understanding that cavities and gum disease are bacterial infections. Oral health depends on the development of a bacterial balance in the mouth, and this cannot be achieved with a length of floss, by over-zealous cleaning, or indiscriminate killing of mouth bacteria.

Our mouth ecology develops early in life as bacteria transfer between parents and their babies. This exchange is important and continues throughout life as family and friends kiss, talk, or simply share food. Today we know that harmful mouth bacteria can impact our general health and that some are implicated in chronic inflammatory conditions. A healthy mouth will give you a brighter smile and provide special protection from cavities, gum disease, bad breath, sensitivity, and enamel erosion to ultimately limit your need for dental treatments—including cleanings, fillings, sealants, root canals, crowns, implants, and extractions.

In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Ellie shares her easy-to-follow strategies that put oral health under your control. She reveals how to:

• Stop and reverse cavities and gum disease

• Use diet and digestive health to influence saliva quality and promote tooth and gum healing

• Enjoy xylitol to control acidic damage and sensitivity

• End the discomfort of dry mouth and gum recession

• Avoid damage caused by flossing

• Evaluate sealants and their potential dangers

• Learn the dangers of artificial whitening and how to naturally whiten your teeth

Mouth Care Comes Clean can empower you and lead you to a new level of oral health. The strategies are simple but they can miraculously transform mouth health.

Publisher ‏ : ‎ River Grove Books (September 27, 2018)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 228 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1632990946
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1632990945
Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 12 ounces
Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 0.58 x 9 inches

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9 Reviews For This Product

  1. by Howard Schwartz

    Persuasive and Full of Information
    Dr. Phillips takes what has been a frustrating aspect of my life—the struggle to successfully implement a dental protocol that preserves teeth and reverses periodontal disease—and presents persuasive arguments to do just that. Brush with Crest? Flossing can be harmful? Xylitol mints after every meal? Listerine? This relatively inexpensive and controversial protocol, which goes against the mantra of every dentist I have ever known, both conventional and holistic, stresses the importance of the pH of saliva to prevent cavities and gum disease. The overwhelming percentage of the population, when it comes to health issues, feels more comfortable following the authoritative advice of doctors and dentists that doesn’t work, accepting blame for this failure, and then begrudgingly accepting invasive solutions like root canals, deep cleanings and implants. I’ve always felt more comfortable following the advice of practitioners who are courageous enough and wise enough to go against the grain with new approaches that are well thought out. The trick is to find the right people who go against the grain. I believe that Dr. Phillips may be one of those right people.

  2. by Candle Light

    Mouth Care Comes Clean!!!
    I recently began re-reading “Mouth Care Comes Clean.” I started taking Xylitol mints 6 years ago & practicing parts of Dr. Ellie’s “Complete Mouth Care System” after my dentist referred me for a gum graft. Through this book & also attending her online “Boot Camp”, I am developing a much better understanding of why her specific products & sequence of using these products is so important for both healing existing & preventing additional mouth damage.As Dr. Ellie explains in this book, even well-intentioned approaches can do more harm than good (for example, I have sipped water throughout the day for many, many years, thinking this was good for me & the best way to stay hydrated, while I now understand that even the way you take in water can do a lot of damage by diluting or diminishing the functional healing power of saliva). For anyone willing & able to practice Dr. Ellie’s Complete Mouth Care System, it is a most excellent & pro-active self-care routine that includes very important information on food & drink & how & when it’s best to take life-giving nourishment into our bodies.This review is coming from someone whose father daily flosses with used string he keeps in a chair-side drawer, keeps using it after it falls on the floor & also sips decaf coffee &/or beer for the better part of the day. I’m quite sure he is an exception to what sustains & supports most people’s mouth health & I certainly did not inherit whatever trait allowed him to keep most of his teeth to age 96, despite these habits. A recent trip I took to the dentist resulted in a recommendation for an $8000 / 13 filling Treatment Plan. With my now deeper understanding of whole mouth & body health, I’m not following this Plan. My mouth feels really good & very clean & I can’t comprehend why I would need or want a prophylaxis when I have no plaque at all.While many dentists do amazing structural repair & cosmetically restorative work, this book is for people who want to take a deeper look at the possibilities of their daily routine of mouth care helping reverse existing &/or prevent additional damage. Using Xylitol & this Care Routine allows you to FEEL your saliva serving its intended biological purpose, coating the gems that allow more thorough enjoyment of food & drinks, while also protecting overall body health. Since much of Dr. Ellie’s advice does not align with the dominant cultural messages & usual professional care recommendations that promote a type of floss, brush, scrub, x-ray, drill, fill approach, consider that it might take more time & repeated efforts to understand what she’s saying about another way to care for our mouths.Dr. Ellie has rigorous scientific training, many years of clinical experience AND an amazing ability to create, share & explain well-conceived & more effective approaches to mouth care. At times, she surely must have felt frustrated enough to give up, persisted anyway & continues to be willing to learn & engage. While no one approach will work for everyone, for those willing & able to be more aware of & pro-active with their own mouth care, she provides valid & super-thoughtful guidance that can help address many underlying causes to mouth problems.As I celebrated another Birthday this past week with my teeth & gums intact, I thanked Dr. Ellie that I could have my Cake & Xylitol too! I hope her books, product/s & web site offerings help many more people heal existing mouth problems or not have to face them in the first place! And finally, I think it would be very interesting & would love to see a project, video series or book with Dr. Ellie in collaboration with another science-driven health care pioneer, Dr. Michael Greger/Nutrition Facts, advocating for evidence-based nutrition & related practices for integrated Mouth & Body Health!!!

  3. by L.E.

    Dr Ellie Wants to Save Your Teeth, Money, and Sanity
    Dr Ellie is very passionate about what she does. I would recommend to read both her books. Her ultimate hope is to spread the word about how to take care of your teeth in a non invasive and affordable way. The main products she recommends are NOT ONES SHE CREATED!! She just took the time to find the best products without garbage that actually work, and put it into a complete mouth care system that even a child could follow.It would take you about 4 minutes twice a day to follow the system that Dr. Ellie presents here.Yes, it involves Fluoride. Dr. Ellie does not recommend consuming fluoride, but does recommend it in swishing and toothpaste. During my yoga training, I decided to give up fluoride for pineal gland purposes lol and it resulted in worse oral health. I double dog anyone who tells me they avoid fluoride and scoffs at Dr. Ellie’s ideas to show me their teeth…I will tell you a short story.A few years ago, I went to the dentist and they told me that I had receding gums in two areas. They wanted to do a gum transplant or something horrible like that. The periodontist told me that it can not get better, that it was most likely genetic and just something I have to have surgically done to correct.I was l already familiar with Dr. Ellie, but have to admit, had been a little lazy with my oral care at home. No excuses, just got strangely lazy for a while.I said to the periodontist that I would prefer to watch and wait, and see if I can do some things to reverse the problem. He told me that he was fine with watching and waiting, but there was no way it could get better without surgery, and that it may get very bad very quickly if I don’t have the surgery.I got hard core about using Dr. Ellie’s simple system. I went back to the dentist about 6 months later, and they had to admit, it wasn’t worse, and in fact actually looked a little better.They have not brought up gum surgery to me again since then, and I have since thrown away all my hippie dippie oral products.Blessings to you, Dr. Ellie.

  4. by lorraine asquith

    Wish I’d been told this years ago
    I’ve always tried to look after my general and oral health but have still suffered cavities and a lot of the treatment described in this book. I’ve bought the recommended products and look forward to monitoring my oral health and will provide feedback via Dr Ellie’s website. It was a tad repetitive though, hence the 4 rather than 5 star rating.

  5. by Amazon Customer

    I started this care system before I read the book. Now that I have read the book, I understand Dr. Phillips reasons better. I have seen improvement in my gums and the slippery feeling on my teeth. I recommend you try it.

  6. by LaurChis

    Lots of interesting information, though some outdated, ie fluoride!

  7. by Raquelita

    L’idée la plus intéressante de ce livre : ne pas oublier de nettoyer et/ou désinfecter sa brosse à dents après utilisation. Et aussi : le détartrage pas systématiquement tous les 6 mois.

  8. by Kate

    今まで一般的に良いと言われている方法を試しましたが、歯の状況は一向に改善せず悪化するだけでした。口の中をアルカリ性にするために重曹うがいをしたり、S.mutansを除菌するためにミント、ローズマリーのエッセンシャルオイルでうがいするなどしていました。しかし、この二つとも危険であり良いバイオフィルムを壊してしまうそうです。また、著者はフロスも危険という考え方です。著者のコンプリートマウスケアシステムは日本で行うと結構お金がかかりますが、歯医者も助けてくれない(1日3回しっかり歯磨きをして、フロスをしましょう、クリーニングに頻繁に来てください)、その他の方法でも私には効かなかったため、挑戦してみます。追記現在、4ヶ月近くこの方法を試しています。明らかに歯垢はつきにくくなったのですが、果物など食べた時の沁みる感覚は3ヶ月目でも消えていなかったので、不安になっていました。歯ブラシを歯にあてるとキーンとした痛みがありました。そこで、改めて自分の歯磨きの仕方に問題ないか振り返ってみました。私の場合は、歯磨きにかなり時間をかけて10分くらいシャカシャカ歯ブラシを強めに磨いていたのですが、その方法が良くないのではと思い、磨き方を工夫しました。* 歯茎を磨くときは歯にはあたらないようにして、大きくブラシを動かす* 歯を磨くときは、歯間にちゃんとブラシが入るようにするが、小刻みに力はあまり入れないようにする歯ブラシの力の入れ方、使い方を変えてみたら、沁みる具合も減り、歯ブラシをあててもほとんど痛くなくなりました。もし、Dr.Ellieの方法で、知覚過敏のような症状が治っていない方がいたら、磨き方を見直すことをお勧めします。

  9. by Michelyne Bourassa

    Elle explique comment prendre soins de sa bouche et de ses dents et ça fonctionne très bien malheureusement le livre est en anglais

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Mouth Care Comes Clean: Breakthrough Strategies to Stop Cavities and Heal Gum Disease Naturally

Mouth Care Comes Clean: Breakthrough Strategies to Stop Cavities and Heal Gum Disease Naturally

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