My Bloody Valentine 3D/ 2D [DVD] [3D Blu-ray]

$8.93$9.98 (-11%)

Bloodthirsty fans of the classic slashers of yesteryear should be sated by MY BLOODY VALENTINE (2009), a gory trip that’s not just a remake but a retro-amalgam of the greatest hits from the 1970s, ’80s, and ’90s. The HALLOWEEN-influenced, eerily Canadian 1981 original holds a modest place in many horror hearts despite it’s notoriously trimmed violence. But even those who haven’t seen it will get the feeling that this VALENTINE sports an amplified blood-and-guts factor, one that brings with it the distinctly outlandish brutality and hulking-masked-killer archetype of a FRIDAY THE 13th installment combined with the polished chase scenes of post-SCREAM teen horror. Director Patrick Lussier Starring Jamie King, Kerr Smith, Jensen Ackles, Kevin Tighe, Tom Atkins, Special Features: Widescreen Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1 – English Subtitles – English Subtitles – Spanish Additional Products: 3D Glasses (4 Pairs) Runtime: 103 Minutes.
Aspect Ratio ‏ : ‎ 1.85:1
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ No
MPAA rating ‏ : ‎ R (Restricted)
Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 0.7 x 7.5 x 5.4 inches; 0.63 ounces
Item model number ‏ : ‎ MFR031398109075#VG
Director ‏ : ‎ Patrick Lussier
Media Format ‏ : ‎ Color, DVD, Subtitled, Closed-captioned, AC-3, NTSC, 3D, Widescreen, Dolby
Run time ‏ : ‎ 1 hour and 43 minutes
Release date ‏ : ‎ May 19, 2009
Actors ‏ : ‎ Jensen Ackles, Kevin Tighe, Kerr Smith, Jaime King, Tom Atkins
Subtitles: ‏ : ‎ English
Language ‏ : ‎ Unqualified
Studio ‏ : ‎ Lionsgate Home Entertainment
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B001UE7D6O
Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ USA
Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 1

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Bloodthirsty fans of the classic slashers of yesteryear should be sated by MY BLOODY VALENTINE (2009), a gory trip that’s not just a remake but a retro-amalgam of the greatest hits from the 1970s, ’80s, and ’90s. The HALLOWEEN-influenced, eerily Canadian 1981 original holds a modest place in many horror hearts despite it’s notoriously trimmed violence. But even those who haven’t seen it will get the feeling that this VALENTINE sports an amplified blood-and-guts factor, one that brings with it the distinctly outlandish brutality and hulking-masked-killer archetype of a FRIDAY THE 13th installment combined with the polished chase scenes of post-SCREAM teen horror. Director Patrick Lussier Starring Jamie King, Kerr Smith, Jensen Ackles, Kevin Tighe, Tom Atkins, Special Features: Widescreen Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1 – English Subtitles – English Subtitles – Spanish Additional Products: 3D Glasses (4 Pairs) Runtime: 103 Minutes.
Aspect Ratio ‏ : ‎ 1.85:1
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ No
MPAA rating ‏ : ‎ R (Restricted)
Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 0.7 x 7.5 x 5.4 inches; 0.63 ounces
Item model number ‏ : ‎ MFR031398109075#VG
Director ‏ : ‎ Patrick Lussier
Media Format ‏ : ‎ Color, DVD, Subtitled, Closed-captioned, AC-3, NTSC, 3D, Widescreen, Dolby
Run time ‏ : ‎ 1 hour and 43 minutes
Release date ‏ : ‎ May 19, 2009
Actors ‏ : ‎ Jensen Ackles, Kevin Tighe, Kerr Smith, Jaime King, Tom Atkins
Subtitles: ‏ : ‎ English
Language ‏ : ‎ Unqualified
Studio ‏ : ‎ Lionsgate Home Entertainment
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B001UE7D6O
Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ USA
Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 1

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13 Reviews For This Product

  1. by Amazon Customer

    Fun to watch

  2. by Lori

    Came on time
    Fair price

  3. by E.A.S.

    Your In For A Bloody Good Time
    WARNING: This movie is NOT for kids or even teens. Recommended age 18-20+This movie takes place in a small mining town, but it has a secret. 20 years back, a local miner brutally murdered 22 people with a single pick axe. He was sent to a mental hospital because he suffered a coma and people thought he was finally dead. They were wrong. Now the axe wielding maniac is on his never ending killing spree, waiting for his next victim.REVIEW: This movie is VERY GRAPHIC! I have never seen anything like it. People get killed in the most brutal of ways with an axe. I recommend having a strong stomach and maybe a barf bag.BLOOD & GORE- As the title implies, this movie is bloody. Enough said.LANGUAGE: Constant uses of the “F” bomb, a few sexual terms and other minor language.DRUGS & ALCOHOL- A few scenes of young adults smoking and drinking at a party for example.INTENSE VIOLENCE/TERROR- Yes! This movie is very intense and very jumpy with tons of unexpected scares.SEXUAL CONTENT- Very graphic. View at your own risk. A woman is seen running totally nude for about 5min straight.Now a big thing with this movie is the 3D. I was very skeptical with this because some 3D movies don’t deliver a good impression. This movie is a direct opposite. This is a true 3D movie and its got some of the best 3D effects I have ever seen!. Besides having the many ,many “Pop Out 3D” moments, but it puts you in the movie ex) environments. Now some HDTV’s don’t like 3D movies like this so for me, I had to do some minor tweaking with the contrast etc.Oh and just to clarify, this is a REGULAR DVD and not a Blu-Ray. It is also double sided which means youll have to read the disc label to see if Side A or B has the actual 2D or 3D version. This also comes with (4) pairs of 3D glasses. Don’t miss the opportunity to by this movie. Its actually quite tuff to find and its one of the best 3D movie to date.This has been a 100% honest review of “My Bloody Valentine 3D”. Brought to you by COLLECTOR94.Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year 2015!

  4. by IShopHere

    Fun Flick & Amazing 3D
    Whenever there is a remake of a movie, there is always the idea that it won’t live up to the original. I’m a huge fan of the original, and decided I needed to finally watch the remake.I was glad to find out that there is a Blu Ray 3D (not anaglyph -blue & red) version because anaglyph never really seems to work well on televisions.First, I thought the movie was good. I figured out the ending shortly through it, but when you watch a lot of slashers, that kind of happens.Second, this didn’t focus as much on why the killer killed on Valentine’s Day like the original, it just happened to be on Valentine’s Day. I didn’t see that as a problem, but it could’ve stood as its own movie. Would’ve been the same movie if it was called My Bloody Easter. No real meaning to the holiday of choice in the movie.And finally, the 3D was outstanding. Of course, when horror/slasher flicks are made in 3D, they make a point to make the killings extreme and the 3D pop out more than some flicks that just use it for depth.I gave it 4 Stars for reason number 2 stated above. Good movie, but there was no real meaning to having this movie as a remake of My Bloody Valentine when it was really just because it was on Valentine’s Day without the deeper meaning behind the original.I did definitely enjoy this movie.

  5. by Kai

    Oddly nostalgic in a way

  6. by Laura B

    Good movie
    My boyfriend liked this movie.

  7. by Ly15

    3 stars for the movie. 4 stars for the 3d.
    This is a review for the steroscopic version of My Bloody Valentine on Bluray 3D as opposed to the anaglyph version.The difference being the anaglyph versions of this film come with small 3D glasses,and the film will look red and blue while watching.That’s what I call “old school” 3D so to speak.My review is for the Bluray 3D version that requires a 3D TV.With all the technical jargon out of the way here we go.This remake starts out strong giving us quiet a bit of gore straight from the get go. unfortunately, My Bloody Valentine 3D only seems to decline the further you get into it,which is a crying shame considering the first half is so vicious. The best analogy that comes to mind is a heavy weight boxer with mediocre cardio. He’ll hit you hard the first few rounds but after that the fight in him slows down dramatically. By the end, it almost feels like a Scooby Doo whodunit with a mix of Scream for good measure.It’s not as “trippy” as the original in it’s presentation and though it’s more visceral than Urban Legend or I know What You Did Last Summer, it still,by the ending,feels like it’s riding on the coat tails of those franchises rather than adding something refreshing to the genre. At times it has that old spirit of the classic 80’s slashers but the glimpses are only fleeting.The 3D.The 3D in this film for me helps make the sell. It’s simply great,and you can find this movie for damn near pennies. I found it at a local used movie shop for 5.99,and yes that was for the 3D Bluray. It has everything you would want from a horror movie in 3D. The occasional pop out effect,with enough depth to keep it from feeling simply like a gimmick.If you’re new to 3D movies and TV’s,with a budget that isn’t very large you can’t go wrong by picking this movie up. The 3D certainly adds to the experience and for that reason alone I would recommend this movie for any 3D library.

  8. by ronnie p

    Like I was in the theater watching it
    I saw this in the theater over 10 years ago. Glad I can now watch at home in 3D

  9. by Shot in 3-D

    I already own this film but on the anaglaph version. I will keep both so I can watch on any TV or projector. I’ve been trying to get the digital 3D for a while but people selling it, was over pricing. Finally got. Great 3D and slasher. The original is good also if you like them type of films but not in 3D.

  10. by Lee Kempster

    This is a fun horror movie and a pretty good remake of the 1981 remake of the same name. Both the 2D and Blu-Ray 3D version is included on two discs (despite what another purchaser said – there is no anaglyph red/blue 3D version here). If you happen to still have a 3D TV, I think it’s definitely worth watching that version, as that was the theatrical release. I happen to have a PlayStation 3 3D monitor and it looks great on it. Even if you don’t have a 3D TV, the 2D version is still worth watching if you like Slasher Horror. It might not be the greatest of the genre, but it is far from the worse and makes for a fun hour and forty minutes of watching.

  11. by George Murray

    totally not as advertised

  12. by Mr. Green

    …wenn man Single ist und einfach entspannen willEs geht um Tom Hanniger (von Jensen Ackles gespielt), der in seinen relativ jungen Jahren Scheiße gebaut hat, bei der 5 Bergarbeiter starben, da Harry Warden sie getötet hat (mit einer Spitzhacke), um selbst genug Sauerstoff zum überleben zu haben.Ein Jahr später erwacht Harry aus dem Koma, metzelt sich durch das Krankenhaus und kehrt anschließend in die Mine zurück, wo Jugendliche eine Party feiern. Dort metzelt er ebenfalls alles ab, was er kriegen kann.Nachdem seine Freunde Tom zurückgelassen haben, verschwindet er für 10 Jahre, ehe er (nach dem Tod seines Vaters) wieder in seine Heimatstadt zurückkehrt, um dort die Mine, die er geerbt hat, zu verkaufen Doch kaum ist er zurück, scheint auch Harry Warden wieder zurück zu kehren, denn die Morde mit der Spitzhacke gehen weiterFazit:Ein verdammt guter Thriller, der ein wirklich stark unerwartetes Finale bringt, der aber auch über die gesamte Spielzeit überzeugend ist. Jensen Ackles (vor allem bekannt aus Supernatural) spielt seine Rolle als Tom Hanniger wirklich sehr gut^^Anmerkung: Bereits auf der DVD ist vermerkt, dass es eine gekürzte Fassung ist, denn die Original-Fassung ist laut mehrerer Internetseiten auf Liste B indiziert worden (heißt so viel wie, dass er gegen ein Gesetz verstößt; vermutlich Gewaltdarstellung)Wer also das Original sehen will, muss sich in allen anderen Ländern der Welt umsehen, die nicht so etwas wie wir mit der BPjM oder einer solchen Zensur haben

  13. by M. Robin

    Oui Superbe 3D active, gros son, Film très bien réalisé, les coups de pioche sont lourd, mais le film est plutôt fin dans le genre, avec un bon suspens jusqu’à la fin !Par contre gros coup de gueule contre Amazon en espérant qu’ils diffuseront tout de même mon message ! En effet, à mélanger les commentaires des différentes versions vous créez la confusion ! Il y a une version 3D anaglyphe, mais sur cette page c’est bien la version 3D active ( ATTENTION ! lisez bien la fin de ce commentaire pour vérifier si vous êtes sur la version 3D active !), et malheureusement comme vous mélangez les commentaires, déjà que les jaquettes de ce film prêtent à confusion, et bien cela en crée encore plus ! Du coup les notes globales ne reflètent pas la réalité, puisque les commentaires négatifs de l’immonde 3D anaglyphe viennent se mêler aux commentaires du blu ray en 3d active ! c’est absurde !là Si vous avez un doute, vérifiez bien que sur la page de présentation du blu-ray il y ait bien marqué “Blu-Ray 3D active”. Autre repère, le titre du Blu-Ray en 3D active est écrit en Blanc sur la jaquette, alors que celui de la version anaglyphe est écrit en rouge.

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My Bloody Valentine 3D/ 2D [DVD] [3D Blu-ray]

My Bloody Valentine 3D/ 2D [DVD] [3D Blu-ray]

$8.93$9.98 (-11%)

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