Customers say
Customers find the book has good ideas and straightforward instructions for furniture making. They appreciate the detailed information and pictures, making it great for beginners. The writing is well-organized and clear.
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Keep it simple, keep it basic, keep it fun!
Simply-Built Furniture is part of Danny Proulx’s legacy to the woodworking world. He showed us that furniture doesn’t have to be ornate or highly decorated to achieve a “timeless” status. Sometimes simple is best. Simple lines and simple joinery.
This collection brings together special projects from Proulx’s 16 books—most of which are now out of print—with pieces such as a rustic pine chest of drawers, a bed with built-in storage, a window seat, a contemporary display cabinet, a tall bookcase, an armoire work center, a writing desk, a memorabilia sideboard, and more.
Both beginning and experienced woodworkers will appreciate Proulx’s no-nonsense approach to woodworking and his easy style of teaching, as well as the minimal time and materials needed to create these beautiful projects that are more than a just another piece of furniture for your homes.
The projects in this book will fit in almost any design setting and won’t become passe after a few years. And best of all, you can build this furniture with basic woodworking tools and easy-to-find materials. It’s really very simple.
Publisher : Popular Woodworking Books (November 18, 2010)
Publication date : November 18, 2010
Language : English
File size : 45751 KB
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Word Wise : Not Enabled
Print length : 512 pages
by Robert B.
I am a complete beginner and I found this book very useful. In fact
Well written and straight forward book. I am a complete beginner and I found this book very useful. In fact, I used it to build my very first woodworking project. Some of the steps are spelled out specifically, that is, they are implied but aren’t explicit in the text. The only other critique is some projects refer to intermediate steps done in another ‘chapter’ that doesn’t exist in this book. In neither of the above cases, however, did these errors or omissions keep me from being able to follow the text and complete my prototype for an eventual oak end table.
by James Mathews
A nice book with some really great plans. Well put together. It says “Simply-Built” but some of the plans look a little above my skills. I am looking forward to building a couple of the pieces in this book.
by Amazon Customer
Good but lacking the chapters
I found this book to go into really good detail, but for how to perform some of the cuts and jig setup it would say refer to chapters 1 or 2. This wouldn’t be a problem except there are no chapters in the book only the plans. This left huge gaps in how to perform some of the complex jig setups or cuts.
by Tripp Gazzer
Simple is Best!
This is one the best straight forward instructive, practical,furniture books I have ever seen. However, there are quite a bit of things you will need to buy in the way of wood working tools. The good news is that a person can accumulate these things as the opportunities come along. Many of the furniture projects can be made with basic tools such as a circular saw, clamps, and a good cordless drill. If you are into wood projects and can picture yourself investing a little time and money to make some beautiful, and practical projects, this book is valuable to you!
by Clark
Excellent Ideas!
I have made some very good furniture from this book. I did not use the plans in detail since some of it was a bit complicated. Did however came up with a media center for the living room, a computer desk for my office and now I am working on a desk for my wife. This is a must have book if you are just getting into wood working or if you are a pro. If you are a beginner I would take a wood working safety class, it’s worth every penny.
by OneHappyLady
Good pictures.
Purchased this for a gift. The young man who received it was thrilled. Good pictures.
by A Ray
Great book!!
My wife and I both liked this book. It has lot of detail about each project. It is great for a beginner into furniture making,
by Steve
Simply built is a good name
This book is not up to the level of Danny’s prior book on how to build cabinets. The projects are too simple and far too basic. The idea is good but needs to expand to the next level of challenge. Would love a how to by Dan Proulx taken to the next level on how to build all sorts of furniture on say the shaker style.
by Erwin Villafranca
The book has a lot of projects for almost all areas of the house. Good instructions and exploded views of projects. There is bound to be something in here for everyone, except someone who wants an heirloom piece to pass on to the great-grandkids (mostly modern construction techniques and fasteners used for expediency).Great sourcebook for furniture projects.
by tabare27
C’est le premier livre dédié exclusivement à la fabrication de meubles que je possède , et cet achat vaut de l’or. Cet américain, avec une grande expérience dans le travail du bois,enseignant et écrivain d’articles dans des journaux spécialisés, a écrit 15 livres sur la fabrication de meubles. En regardant cet ouvrage, je suis certaine qu’il a suscité des vocations partout dans le monde des adeptes du travail de cette noble matière. Son livre, est une totale réussite. Il est bien conçu, bien présenté, bien expliqué, avec environs 26 modèles, richement accompagné des photos , au moins dix pour chaque modèle, avec plans de montage, et liste de matériel, et des modèles superbes. On peut le feuilleter sur le site, et tout ce que l’on peut voir n’est rien à côté de tout ce que le livre réserve.Des meubles aux lignes sobres, présentés depuis leur conception jusqu’à leur finition dans les moindres détails.Vitrines, étagères, bureaux, avec tabouret, armoire, crédence, 2 types de commodes, table de nuit,coffre à linge -siège, meuble d’angle, buffet, bibliothèque, console,etc. Un livre extraordinaire pour tout celui, ou celle qui souhaiterai fabriquer ses meubles, à moindres frais. Matériel nécessaire: du bois,outils:perceuse, scie circulaire, défonceuse, ponceuse, tournevis, marteaux et serre-joints.Les commodes ont 2 méthodes de soutien des tiroirs; avec des curseurs et avec un cadre intérieur formant une niche qui tient les tiroirs, et la deuxième avec des tablards qui s’insèrent dans des montants rainurés à la scie circulaire, formant des compartiments séparés pour les tiroirs. Le premier est plus facile.Je rêve d’avoir une maison avec des meubles construits par moi-même. Ce livre me donne l’impression que c’est possible.
by Orion
I like Danny Proux’s books however this is not one of his best. The projects seem a bit dated (which they are of course) and there is a lot of repetition from projects from his other books.Good for basic techniques but no high end cabinet making here.