Customers say
Customers find the book informative and comprehensive, providing a new way of thinking. They find it easy to read and follow, with nice pictures and an easy-to-follow format. The diet helps them make changes in their eating habits and they feel better. The book is effective and they see results. Many consider it a good investment for anyone wanting to make a lifestyle change.
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Primal Blueprint author Mark Sisson presents a fun, easy-to-follow, practical guidebook to help you “get Primal” in only 21 days. First, you’ll learn eight Key Concepts that represent the most important day-to-day elements living Primally, then tackle five Action Items that will enable you to literally reprogram your genes toward a long, healthy, and energetic life. The Action Items are presented in a fun and life-transforming 21-Day Challenge, featuring daily diet, exercise, and lifestyle endeavors with corresponding journal exercises.
You’ll transition out of the regimented, carb-dependent, fat-storing Standard American Diet (SAD), the chronic, overly-stressful exercise patterns recommended by Conventional Wisdom, and other health-compromising elements of hectic modern life. Instead, you’ll smoothly implement the evolution-tested lifestyle behaviors of our hunter-gatherer ancestors to promote optimal gene expression. By eating Primally, you’ll transform from a “sugar-burner” into a Sisson’s so-called “fat burning beast”, where stored body fat becomes your preferred fuel choice, and energy, hormone, metabolic, and immune function are optimized automatically. With an intuitive mix of Primal workouts, you’ll get exceptionally fit in only a few hours per week — and have fun while you’re at it!
The Primal Blueprint 21-Day Transformation is stocked with photos, diagrams, concise section summaries, workout descriptions and photos, resource lists for Primal-approved foods and foods to avoid, recipe suggestions, and detailed real-life success stories to help you stay confident and focused on your Primal journey.
Unlike many complex, regimented, quick-fix programs, the Primal Blueprint 21-Day Transformation is a simple, sensibly-paced journey shaped by personal preference and a strong emphasis on enjoying comfortable modern life. The material is scalable for everyone, from Type-A fitness die-hards who might benefit from a more relaxed approach, to couch potatoes who need motivation to take that first step.
Mark Sisson guides you in a light-hearted, irreverent tone that will make you feel comfortable and inspired, and never intimidated. You can expect quick results in the first 21 days (fat loss, improved energy levels, fitness, and blood test markers), but your 21-Day Transformation is only the beginning of a life of ease and contentment that is possible when you live in harmony with your genetic requirements for health and longevity.
ASIN : 0982207778
Publisher : Primal Blueprint Publishing; First Edition, First edition (October 18, 2011)
Language : English
Paperback : 192 pages
ISBN-10 : 9780982207772
ISBN-13 : 978-0982207772
Item Weight : 1.55 pounds
Dimensions : 8.3 x 0.5 x 10.8 inches
by Gen
Great starting point for beginners
This is a great starting point for those interested in living more primally – cutting out grains and sugars, moving naturally, and realigning your activities to more closely match the ways in which we evolved to live. I’ve been working towards becoming more primal for over a year now, and feel enormously better with each stride I take towards following this program more completely. And this book is a simple, inspiring, straight-to-the-point guide showing you exactly what steps to take to feel better fast.This would be good if you’re new to the primal way of life and want to reinforce some of the things you’re learning, or get a good overview of it all in one place. I also loved the 21-day guide at the end that shows you how to implement all of the changes for a 21-day transformation. It’s about 50 pages at the end of the book and is helpful if you’re actually hoping to have a solid plan for making a huge change in less than one month.This book covers similar information to what is found in The Primal Blueprint, just in a totally different style – much more “how-to” than “why-to”. Mark tries in this book to summarize the action points and get you energized to DO this stuff. You know better what you’ll find most helpful to start with – the in-depth descriptions of the reasoning behind this lifestyle in The Primal Blueprint, or just the “jump right in” details of how to get started that are in this book. There’s a lot of overlap between the books, and I’d guess that anyone who has lived primally for more than six months only needs one of the two. I love the stories in The Primal Blueprint, but the photos and diagrams in this 21-Day book are great for that initial getting-on-track phase, so I’m torn as to which is better.The one quibble I have with this new book is a tiny one. The author uses terms like PUFA and CAFO a lot, and forgets to periodically remind us what those terms stand for. He must have introduced the terms in the front of the book and not returned to them. I know what they mean since I’ve been primal a while, but always forget exactly what they stand for. Hopefully he can fix that little oversight in future editions. (You can always go to Marks Daily Apple, his very active blog, to get refreshed on any terminology he uses.)This book, and The Primal Blueprint, both (probably intentionally) lack much inspiration about what to actually cook once he’s cleared your cabinets of junk. Only so many salads and omelets one can eat. If you’re new to this and are going to commit to a 21-day transformation, definitely get his Quick and Easy Primal cookbook at the same time, since it has a ton of delicious food that you can make fast, so this whole primal thing will seem do-able. On the flip side, I would avoid his first cookbook until you’ve completed the 21 day transformation, as it has absolutely marvelous recipes for things like primal pancakes and muffins, that you honestly shouldn’t be eating much of during the first few weeks anyway (contain natural sugars and are high-calorie). The Quick and Easy cookbook has more of the type of food you will be eating everyday.Overall, this is a colorful, easy-to-browse book that will be of great benefit to anyone getting started on the primal path.
by Dan Sherman
A Quick and Easy Jump to Longterm Primal Living
I have been a big fan of Mark Sisson and his very sensible, well-reasoned, and comprehensive approach to living our lives so that they more closely align with the way our bodies were meant to be — good food, adequate sleep, ongoing moderate exercise with occasional intense spikes, and intermittent fasting . His basic book (Primal Blueprint) is very easy to read and his website (Mark’s Daily Apple)continuously provides information on a very wide range of topics. What I like about Mark’s approach is that it seems to be based on good science (he has a degree in biology) and really isn’t extreme — his approach to lifestyle is that we make a number of mostly small changes most of the time.There really is not much new in the book if you have read “The Primal Blueprint” or delved into Mark’s website, but it is organized in very easy to follow sections that tell you about various things you need to do to become primal and then concludes with the 21-day plan, i.e., the 3-4 specific things you should do each day over 3 weeks. This really is not a one-time, three-week program though but the roadmap to transition to some long term lifestyle changes that bring our bodies and routines back to where we have been for most of our specie’s existence (with room for the occasional dessert!).I would highly recommend this book if you want a clear guide to how to shift to a primal lifestyle (you will feel better for the effort!) or want to help someone else easily adopt the primal lifestyle. It is easy to read and quite comprehensive, though you can always go to the “Primal Blueprint” or better yet I think Mark’s website for more information.One of the rare books I would give 6 stars to, though mostly for the excellent content!PS I personally have done well at age 50+ by going primal and losing (and keeping off) some weight, getting stronger with fewer trips to the gym, and developing a lipid profile which my internist says is one of the best he has ever seen (good cholesterol consistently close to 100) and going from possible pre-hypertension to a consistent 110/70 blood pressure reading. All the while enjoying great food like buffalo burgers, loads of vegetables, eggs, nuts, good chocolate, etc.
by Amazon Customer
Life Changing, Highly Reccomended. FIVE STARS but could only give 4.. Sorry
Im a novice, started asking myself questions about how the absolutely ridiculous method of how a calorie calculated. Which led to a basic understanding that we are all scrwed with what is being pushed at us in terms of what we should be eating.So, I ended up on liked what I saw and bought this book.Its Good Book and that is undeniable and I have gotten 2 more as gifts for people like me that need it and that I care about.Paleo is a new way of thinking for me and Mark does a great great job of explaining why we are sugar burners and how to become fat burners. I just hope he is right.The book was just a bit long and actually the 21 day journal and instructions at the end to me, was pretty useless. I wish each day had each meal laid out for me. I get the theory that you eat when your hungry and what you want to with basic rules. It just would have been nice for the first 21 days to be told exactly what to eat.Anyways – Sorry for the 4 star review Mark but it is what it is. And Thank You
by Sarah Joiner
I really do rate this. The information in it is excellent. its unconventional, but it seems to work. This, together with his book for Paleo/Primal recipes ,which in my view is also essential ,to get the full picture, has increased both my energy levels and also, my body temperature. That is one of the signs of low thyroid, .So, its made a real difference to my life.
by Adi
Really good book.
by Jarvismomma
Love this book! The challenges are easy, it eases you into the primal lifestyle. After 21 days I lost 9lbs and 11inches off my body. My husband went primal with me and he’s had a ton of success to! We are currently working on switching our 4 year old over to the primal lifestyle but our 4 month old baby will never know the difference. I defiantly recommend this book if your considering going primal.
by guillartoli
La pena es el idioma,pero con que estés suelto en traducción y haciendo anotaciones lo puedes seguir.muy bien hecho y estructurado,gran calidad de formato.Bien maquetado,conciso y con buenas instrucciones y guÃas.Totalmente recomendable.
by Sportmuffel
Das Buch ist auf englisch und gute Sprachkenntnisse sind Voraussetzung!!Es handelt sich hierbei um eine praktische Anleitung, wie Sie von der üblichen “gesunden” Ernärhung , auf eine wissenschaftlich belegte gesunde Ernährung umstellen können.Als Einsteigerbuch, ohne Grundkenntnisse zu haben, kann ich es Ihnen nicht empfehlen, weil die Gründe, weswegen es gesund ist, nicht erörtert werden.Vor ab ist es sinnvoll, sich die theoretische Wissenschaft beispielsweise mit dem Buch von Nicolai Worm “Ein Mammut auf dem Teller” anzueignen, weil diese Form der Ernährung allen bekannten Empfehlungen widerspricht.Beim ersten Einkauf könnte Ihnen das Gefühl begegnen, dass Sie den Inbegriff des Herzinfarktes in Ihrem Einkaufswagen vor sich her schieben. Dies fällt deutlich leichter, wenn Sie verstanden haben, warum diese Ernärhungsform gesund ist.Es handelt sich hierbei nicht um eine Diät, sondern um eine lebensverändernde MaÃnahme, die Sie – je nach aktuellem Kohlehydratverzehr – anfänglich richtige Entzugserscheinungen erleben lassen.Das Prinzip ist ganz einfach: Sie essen all das, wofür unsere Gene und dementsprechend unsere Körper gemacht sind: Viel Gemüse, viel Fleisch, Nüsse und Obst. Wann immer Sie Milchprodukte verzehren, nehmen Sie das mit Abstand Fettigste, was Sie finden können. Rotwein und dunkle Schokolade sind ebenfalls als GenieÃer-ausnahme gesund.Verzichten ist geboten bei: Jeder Form von (Kohlehydrat)Mehl (Nussmehle sind ok), Kartoffeln und Reis. Das bedeutet: kein Brot oder Brötchen, Kuchen, Plätzen, Pizza, Nudeln, Pudding – auch dann nicht, wenn es Vollkorn, Hirse, Dinkel, Roggen oder Buchweizen etc. enthält.Es klingt drastisch und das ist es auch, deswegen ist es absolut notwendig, dass Sie im Vorhinein bereits die wissenschaftlichen Hintergründe kennen; um es auch (in der Anfangszeit) zu schaffen.Wenn Sie umgestellt sind, möchten Sie das nicht mehr missen.Eine kurze Einführung: Von Natur aus ist Fett unser beliebtester Treibstoff. Durch falsche Ernährungsrichtlinien sind wir auf Zucker umprogrammiert (unserem Körper ist es im Ãbrigen egal, ob Sie einen Lolly oder Vollkornbrot essen, im Magen kommt bereits beides als Zucker an).Wenn Sie sich – durch die Anleitung in diesem Buch – zu einem “fatburner” (Fettverbrenner) gemacht haben, werden Sie in Zeiten des Nichtessens automatisch von Ihren Reserven leben. Hunger entwickeln Sie immer dann, wenn Ihnen eine notwendige Stoffquelle (Vitamine, Mineralstoffe, EiweiÃ, Eisen) fehlt und nicht, weil Ihr Blutzuckerspiegel Achterbahn fährt. So kann es auch Tage geben, an denen Sie keinen Appetit verspüren.Ich möchte diese Ernährungsweise nicht mehr missen und wünsche auch Ihnen, dass Sie dadurch glücklicher leben.